Youth In Mission

The entire Shared Ministry invites young people, 7th grade through college, to participate in Youth in Mission – or YIM.  Begun at Highland United, now all 3 congregations participate in our youth program.

YIM immerses our young people in mission related experiences in our communities and beyond.

Food Collections for the Perry County Food Bank:

Our Monthly Gatherings: Coffeehouses – which can be movies (indoor or outdoor!), discussions, food, games, music videos or outings!  Coffeehouse is typically on the last Saturday evening of the month at Highland United from 6 pm to 8 pm.

FUNDRAISERS:  We help send folks on Mission trips… but that costs $$$s!  Cookies, The Hot Dog Cafe, Breakfasts, Shirts and Hoodies, Sandwiches and Subs!

We also pack food and then cook and distribute hot dogs at the Perry County Food Bank – Mission in our community!